My traditional fraternal thoughts go out to everyone tonight and here is my special call to strict respect the fundamental rights for everyone in the World (and obviously this is a hard challenge everywhere, also in our countries, we must confess with humility).
As the controversial US order has been signed last night (withdrawal of US forces in the NorthernEast Syria and a similar decision to be announced regarding Afghanistan), and sounds as a dangerous early leaving and a kind of abandonment, in this christmas eve my thoughts are also particularly with all the soldiers in charge of stability in support to all local forces or persecuted and threatened people they are protecting and helping, all around the World.
With particular regards to Syria and the completely destroyed country to be rebuilt as a peaceful and prosperous country, according to the HR standards and according to the International Declaration signed on dec. the 11th thanks to the CHREDO (International meeting hosted by Ile de France region-Paris area- to be thanked here also), by high representatives of many of the relevant religions in the area (where mass persecuted refugees have also found temporary refuge): only Rule of Law, fundamental rights implementation, freedom and tolerance, can lead to peaceful and prosperous destiny, there as anywhere else.
International coalitions and UN are responsible for helping people reach this target, or not, and the US as a historical founding member is obviously taking a historical political risk in leaving genocide and conflicts zones where people have not yet entered into peaceful political process binding agreement with strong guarantees.
In these zones where the US president chooses to leave, allies and all those who might again be genocided or tortured as a result in case of resurgent arbitrary persecution, are not a minor concern.
Shall Christmas eve and christmas day be a special moment and make everyone, including the US president, be more careful with decisions which have an impact on lifes of human beings.
I understand he has to deal with internal political issues that surely explain in part his position, but I wish he would understand how essential is the US role ; the US must be a force to influence peace all around the World in conflicts zones.
Discrediting climate change has indeed not had a big political impact for today on a short (nor mid) term point of view (it is a hard economical mistake instead which bad impact for the American people itself may appear in the 5 -max ten- next years), but even more significant and immediate humanity issues in the public consciousness in general are peace, stability and fundamental rights protection as duties he is also in charge of, being the president of one of the most powerful country in the World.
History of Humankind has also traced here his decisions and will balance them one day, and the American people will also, as the American people as the French people have deeply learned through History for centuries.
Although being traced and honoured in History as the one who cut taxes or balanced immigration is certainly a point (this strategy is in line with my commitment too), as announcing loud as a chistmas gift that soldiers are coming back home may first appear as a good point too (that would never be my strategy instead because it sounds more like christmas marketing here), in my opinion the American people have a very deeper international and fundamental rights consciousness.
They would certainly be shocked when human dramas arise, again in those countries, or elsewhere the US have ever leaved the people.
I feel the American people feeling here the fight abroad against discriminations and protecting persecuted people from fear and threat, as a very different situation from other military issues in the past.
Their presence in Syria now helping a peace force would be a honourable burden they are in charge of, as the needed help of the one of the most powerful country in the World ; the French people will never forget the American people especially in respect of their deep international commitment for freedom and fundamental rights, on which behalf they have saved us from erstwhile adversaries.
In Syria, blue berets peacekeepers to maintain and to ensure peace and stability are now certainly needed during almost a next 2 years period, as everybody knows as a minimal needed period to fully implement any agreed and binding peaceful political solution ; and considering the very big step which has been held on through the historical religious Paris international Declaration on december the 11th, which I was really honoured to attend ; American soldiers are therefore deeply entitled and needed to participate to the peace force. This is the international community responsability.
History will testimony when brotherhood as a sincere ideal target wins, or when opportunism wins, and who finally has met the people expectations and needs.
Merry christmas to everyone, please remember catholic religion according to the Holy bible celebrates the birth of a little poor baby who later was being lynched and gave his human life under this oppression as a sign for Humanity to understand and so Humankind would not do it again... .